How to Promote Your Business at Summer Events and Festivals in Indiana

Indiana comes alive in the summer. The long, hot days are filled with concerts, festivals, fairs, and sporting events. While these events are a joy to attend as a participant, they also offer business owners a prime opportunity to put their brand in front of prospective customers.

If you’re a business owner looking to leverage these summer events to promote your business, here are some essential tips to keep in mind:

Pick the Right Eventbusiness promotion

Before diving into the world of summer events and festivals do a little research to find the right events for you. Check out some of these lists for inspiration.

  • has a comprehensive list of events large and small throughout the state.
  •         While offers a listing of some of the biggest events in the city.
  •         And if you want to a little closer to home check out for a list of community events right in our backyard.

There are so many great Indiana summer events it can be a little overwhelming, so the trick is to select events that make sense for your brand. As you consider arts and crafts fairs, food festivals, or a concert, make sure the people attending and the theme of the event are a good fit for your business.

Who do you really want to reach?  What events will they be attending this summer? Not sure?  Ask them!  Consider a quick Facebook Poll asking your community to rank their top five favorite events

Remember, bigger is not always better.  While larger events may offer more exposure, it is likely there will be more companies competing for attention. Smaller, niche events provide a chance for more targeted engagement. You also have a chance to stand out and be memorable.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Many summer events and festivals in Indiana offer sponsorship packages. As you consider becoming a sponsor, make sure you have all the pieces in place so your brand name and logo can be featured prominently in event signage, promotional materials, and social media posts.  If you are going to sponsor an event, you should also have staff on hand to interact with participants to humanize your company and transform it from a name on a sign, to real people supporting the event.

Take the sponsorship one step further and create limited edition merchandise specifically for the event, such as event-themed apparel, hats, or accessories with just a touch of your brand identity. Attendees are often drawn to unique and exclusive items, and having your brand associated with the event can leave a lasting impression.

Set Up a Vendor Booth:
If an overall sponsorship is not in the budget consider taking advantage of vendor booth opportunities. Design an eye-catching display that represents your brand and attracts attendees. Offer promotional deals or exclusive discounts for event attendees to encourage them to make a purchase. Keep it simple. Remember people are there to watch the game, listen to music or taste the food so plan on short, meaningful engagements.  

Don’t forget the Giveaway

Branded promotional items such as custom tote bags, water bottles, or sunglasses help attract attendees to your booth. These items are a walking advertisement for your business, especially if they are eye-catching and practical. Select an item people will use during the event and your business name and logo, will be everywhere people turn at the event.

Match the item to the event.  You may have a stack of branded post it notes from your last conference, but they don’t belong at a swim meet!

Consider offering practical and sustainable promotional items attendees can use in their daily lives, such as reusable bags, eco-friendly water bottles, or plantable seed paper. Not only does this showcase your brand’s commitment to sustainability, but it also ensures that your promotional items have a longer lifespan, providing continued exposure for your business beyond the event

Looking for a suggestion for a clever giveaway?  Ask the team at Spotlight Strategies.  We have lots of innovative ideas for fun promotional items.

Collective Swag Bags

One way to stretch your promotion budget is to partner with other sponsors and vendors. Instead of a single giveaway, consider collaborating on a Swag Bag, filled with multiple goodies.  The volume of items will make the bag more appealing to everyone. Spotlight Strategies has every promotional product you need. Check out our selection today!

Engage with Attendeesbusiness promotion

Personal interaction is key at these events. Train your staff to be friendly, approachable, and knowledgeable as they take with attendees, offer product demonstrations, and provide informational material

Collect Contact Information
Don’t miss the opportunity to capture leads.  Run interactive contests or games at your booth and offer promotional items as prizes. For instance, a spin-the-wheel game or a simple raffle where attendees can win branded merchandise creates a bit of fun and an engaging experience. And it gives you an opportunity to capture their contact information for future follow-up.

Integrate Your Website

Add a QR code to your signage or give-away.  Don’t simply drive traffic to your home page.  Instead, create a custom landing page with an event specific offer.  This will increase your opportunity to capture prospects when they have time to complete the form.

Leverage social media
Harness the power of social media before, during, and after the event. Be sure to use event hashtags so your content shows up prominently.  Create buzz by sharing event details, sneak peeks of your booth, and promotions on your social media platforms.

During the event, share live updates, engage with attendees online, and encourage them to visit your booth. Take photos of people who stop by, play your games or pick up your branded give-a-aways.  Be sure to engage with other sponsors as well.   

Follow Up
The event may only last a few hours, but the benefits can linger long afterward, especially if you have a plan to follow up with the leads and contacts you’ve gathered. Send a thank-you email, offer special post-event promotions, or simply keep them informed about your business

Building these connections will turn event attendees into repeat customers.

Custom Promotional Products

Ready to promote your business this summer? Spotlight Strategies can help! Check out our custom promo, print, apparel, and signs today. 

Erin Smith

Erin Smith is co-owner of Spotlight Strategies, a marketing solutions firm specializing in print, apparel, promotional product and signs.  An accomplished health care administrator turned business owner, Erin brings rare behavioral expertise to the world of small business.

With a Master’s degree in social work, and a thriving business she is a sought after advisor, coach and mentor to many of Indiana’s small business owners and support associations.  Erin demonstrates unwavering commitment and facilitates profitability to any organization to which she directs her time and talent, and is successful in motivating and empowering people whether supporting a cause or building a company.