5 Factors to Consider When Ordering a Custom Pop-Up Tent

If you’ve never heard of them, you may wonder exactly what custom pop-up tents are and what they can do for your business. But, before getting into custom tents, we need to establish what a basic pop-up tent is.

A pop-up tent, or pop-up canopy, is a shelter that can collapse down into an easily portable size. Pop-up tents are also commonly referred to as portable gazebos. These tents are a great tool for businesses looking to advertise their products in a new location — such as a fair, market, or event — without needing to worry about the weather.

They can be plain, solid colors or further customized to help your business stand out from the crowd. Custom tents can be a great way to increase sales and brand recognition for your company. Pop-up tents can also come in a variety of sizes to meet many different needs. The larger or less portable versions of these tents are commonly called marquees.

How to Pick the Perfect Pop-Up Tent for Your Needs

Now that you know what a pop-up tent is, you may be wondering how you know what style and type of pop-up tent are best for your business. Realistically, there is no single answer to this question. Each business will have its own preferences and reasons for getting a pop-up tent. Because of this, the best tent for your business may not be the same as the best tent for one of your competitors.

But, finding the right pop-up tent does not have to be intimidating. Here we’ll go over the five simple criteria you need to consider when choosing a custom pop-up tent.

1. Size

The first factor you will need to consider when purchasing a pop-up tent is how big you need it to be. Typically, custom pop-up tents can come in sizes ranging from 5 feet by 5 feet to 10 feet by 20 feet. The most popular sizes are 10 feet by 10 feet and 10 feet by 20 feet. Size is the first factor to consider because, realistically, it is the most important when it comes to the actual usability of your pop-up tent.

If your tent is too small, traffic flow through your area will be severely restricted, and you may lose out on some otherwise interested customers. On the other hand, if your tent is too large, you may not have enough things to “fill it out,” or you may not be able to find enough space to set up your tent in a crowd.

So, before putting in your order for that custom pop-up tent, ask yourself these questions:

  • How much space do you need for your workers to showcase your products or services?
  • How much space will you have at the event?
  • How many people do you hope to serve at the event?
  • What is your budget?

custom pop up tent

2. Materials

Next, you’ll want to consider what materials your pop-up tent will be made of. Pop-up tents typically have two parts: the frame and the canopy.

Frames are often made of steel or aluminum, and the canopy fabrics are typically water-resistant polyester material. Recently, many companies have been offering stainless steel frames for custom pop-up tents. These frames are stronger than aluminum frames but lighter than traditional steel frames.

You can also select what type of canopy you want by choosing what fabric denier you want. The lower the denier count, the lighter and thinner the canopy fabric. Lighter denier fabrics tend to be less expensive but are also less durable and may not last as long as a thicker denier.

Take time to consider where you will be setting up your pop-up tent, how frequently you want to use it, and how long you want it to last when determining what materials you want it to be made of.

3. Budget

You want to get the best quality for your buck — don’t we all? This is where you will need to consider your options. How much money do you really have to spend on a pop-up tent? How will you be using the tent once you have it?

These questions can help you determine how much you should spend on your pop-up tent.

4. Design

There are a few different styles of pop-up tents, and each of these can come in various sizes, colors, and designs. Customizing your pop-up tent is a great way to get your stand to stand out from the crowd. See what we did there? Jokes aside, the right branding can do wonders for your sales and recognizability at an event. So, taking the time to consider what you want your tent to look like can make a huge difference.

Deciding on a design for your custom pop-up tent can seem intimidating. After all, it can be challenging to know exactly what will draw the most attention from your audience. But, with the help of a well-known commercial printing company like Spotlight Strategies, you can create the perfect customized pop-up tent for your event.

5. Ease of Use

One of the most important aspects of a pop-up tent is its ease of use and how well it holds up. Pop-up tents need to be easy to assemble and disassemble, and they need to be easy to transport. After all, if you are hoping to bring your tent with you to an event, you do not want to worry about whether you’ll be able to get it out and set up.

This is why it is important to keep the overall weight, size, and how easy it is to put up and take down. The last thing you want is to spend money on a pop-up tent and not be able to even set it up once you get to your event.


If you are looking for a pop-up tent for your business, there are several factors to consider to help you find the perfect option for you. This said, if you take the time to consider the tent’s size, material, budget, design, and ease of use, you can find the perfect option.

But, just looking for a design already available may not be the best way to showcase your brand. This is where opting for custom pop-up tents comes into the picture. If you want to create the perfect custom pop-up tent for your business, check out Spotlight Strategies or request a custom quote today!

Erin Smith

Erin Smith is co-owner of Spotlight Strategies, a marketing solutions firm specializing in print, apparel, promotional product and signs.  An accomplished health care administrator turned business owner, Erin brings rare behavioral expertise to the world of small business.

With a Master’s degree in social work, and a thriving business she is a sought after advisor, coach and mentor to many of Indiana’s small business owners and support associations.  Erin demonstrates unwavering commitment and facilitates profitability to any organization to which she directs her time and talent, and is successful in motivating and empowering people whether supporting a cause or building a company.